Not a fan of online learning, but it is the only option?

Not a fan of online learning, but it is the only option?

Not everyone is tech-savvy and every individual has their own preferred style of learning. Despite the hustle and bustles of life, we have shown great interest in our higher studies and spared some time from our busy schedules to attend colleges and universities to pursue our further studies. As mentioned by various theories and specially Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences, we know that while some may prefer to sit in classes actively and engage and interact with lectures and colleagues, there may be even others who prefer a silent corner in a library or some who may wish to be in the comfort of their own room and study.

The unprecedented days of Covid-19 has pushed students in HEIs worldwide to engage in online learning as a substitute of in-person instruction, no matter what the circumstances (Adedoyin, 2020). Nobody had the choice to opt for what they wanted, as there was no other option for any other means of learning. Thus, students worldwide had to attend classes online, not considering the poor connections, crowded and difficult households, family life with kids and other responsibilities. And the situation still persists.

Now, the only solution that remains is to accept the fact that it is us who will need to make adjustments in our lives to meet the changing demands of life. Online learning is our today’s closest companion and it is our duty to shape our lives and tune our minds to learn through this medium. Thus, we have a huge role to play in achieving this target.

Firstly, it is important for us as learners to know ourselves. The timings being too flexible poses challenges too, when it comes to meeting deadlines like that of weekly tutorials. Remember that it is you who know yourself better, your best timings for an active brain, timings for rest or sleep. Grab some time for studies during those hours that work best for you. In addition to this, it also requires knowing your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can push yourself an extra mile to compete against your weaknesses. For instance, knowing that you are slow reader means you need to allocate more time ‘reading’ in preparation for your assignments.

Next, being organized can help you save a lot of wasted time, which may otherwise be spent in hunting for the most important materials or information. As for one, keeping a separate notebook (hard or soft) would be ideal to keep your notes in one place. The second thing you could do is to maintain a schedule so that you keep track of any routine classes, tutorial deadlines, assignment deadlines, meeting scheduled with colleagues, extra lectures or any other events related to college. Separate handling of lecture notes for different modules and having them dated too, would definitely save you from a lot of last-minute stress.

Thirdly, it is important for you, as a student to assess your time. Assessing your time by noting down the daily activities, and identifying the available time per day for your studies would be a worthwhile exercise. This would then give you an idea of the amount of available time you have, to work on each assignment or in preparation for your exams. The adrenaline would be a positive factor that drives you to work towards the deadlines then. Knowing this could help you plan your time and at the same time, be more organized.

Fourthly, being punctual to virtual classes is as important as that of attending face-to-face classes. Important discussions that take initially before formal teaching might be invaluable to your studies. Furthermore, it ensures that you do not miss out on any important information that has been shared in class. Missing out on the beginning of events is very likely to give you the ‘ok’ feel to miss out on a large part of the rest of the session too.

Last but not the least, being committed to classes is a vital requirement when attending virtual classes, as there are more chances of getting distracted. Taking down notes is an easy way to stay focused and attentive throughout the online classes. Keep yourself engaged during the sessions - question to clear your doubts, participate in discussions and also actively listen and reflect on content that t is being delivered. Active engagement can help increase your understanding of concepts and boost your academic performance.

Along with yourself, it is also a necessity to keep others at home informed about your studies. Kids, parents or other family members, if informed of your class timings could contribute to a quieter environment for your classes or wish to baby-sit for you. Some wisdom is required in such matter, and thus it is important to share the successes with them by celebrating every small deadline you meet, whether it is a tutorial submitted or assignment submitted on time. Sharing some class jokes or humorous moments with family could be a way of bringing them into your studies.

To sum up, it’s all about being more organised and mentally prepared for studying online at home, without compromising your other duties and relationships, that can give you a less stressful time in your studies. Above all, be a master of your own time and utilise it well to get the best out of life’s uncertainties, and sail steadily through the rough seas until you reach your desired destinations.

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